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All Numbers mineral, plant and animal

1, 2, 3 and so 6 (0 1 x 2 x 3 = 6) are the creation numbers sorted out well before biblical Genesis; 7 is the circulating number – big frequencies to small, small frequencies to big. Flowing as a reciprocal from One – 1 is GOD. This clear in repeating numbers...the line of multiplicity 0….no matter where the decimal point (the digital root 9) for  1/ 7, 1 / 17, 1 / 107 as 0 = 999999 to see at intervals 1 / 6, 1 / 16, and 1 / 106 etc..

Known to the ancients in all architecture all the way to 16th Century Churches, this is found in the 3 x 3 horizontal grid – further x 3 for the “27 cube” in the vertical “walls” that Bees follow and nest in – of dowseable energy lines.

This line of 3 in the borders of Roman Mosaics, where the six lines cross a magical vortex of energy begins. Water centre line with 2 edge lines at the banks are the best carriers. The Universe flows like a stream from 1 and 2 and 3 (basis of Keplers discoveries) in a multitude of combinations of 1 2 3 in powers or multiplication etc..

3 inside 0137 is the Fine Structure Constant (0x1x2x3 frequency); 2 inside 0127 is the “27 hexahedron” - 27 x 37 = 999, 7 circulates 2 and 3 “God is One – 4D usually whole digits” for 1 / 37 = 0272727 and 1 / 27 = 0373737.

Of Nature’s Divine – mineral structure (used by fungi), plants and animals sense it with magnetism. The number 5 is unique used in the Plant Kingdom structures, by contrast the nearest star is x 6 away as 0123 spacing. Bees resonate at the frequency 259.2 hertz (phi multiple 8.09 for 258.88 used in the charge around their hairs) where our Planet’s fundamental frequency is 0.00081 (3>4 law) the bee at 0 1 x 0.32 x 10>6 ie 01 x 320,000 x 0.00081 = 259.2 hz. The Schuman frequency 7.83 hertz is solely confined to the atmosphere from electric storms.

All primes above 7 are the clocking of Six. 4 is in the unique prime series from 2. GOD’s number ONE – it is three 1s -1 +1 and root 1, for the Universe is in the modern day “equation of state” of the cosmological constant of physics (2 perfect fluids “density and pressure”) as -1 0 +1 (so clocking 2) and minus root -1 0 plus root -1 (so clocking 2) in the Y sqd and X sqd plane of space clearest in the atom. Root -1 is a very real number as it is the measure for when an Orb (atom, bubble, planet – sun, galaxy) wobbles either as a Sphere (say hex living water with high oxygen and free hydrogen) breaking up or returning to original orb shape. The “third axis” Z does not exist in the Y sqd X sqd plane in the 4th dimension (not Einsteins space-time metric in 4D with no absolute frame of reference) but the third pair maybe TIME in the 6 point structure of the CROSS. Only 5% of the Universe is baryonic matter “dust” from condensed light as 81 stable elements.

The genius of the Great PiRamid is in the architecture – 0162 from the Sun resonated in 162 gaps (10 x 16.2 = 162 is NINE resonant gaps between blocks – block layers ten – see above 3x6x9 for 210 layers of graded size) indicated in 162 meters (a cm is the diameter of a raindrop) where sunlight is on 1 / 4 of the planet at any given moment (4pir>2 is D x D x Pi ie 4 circles 3 in shadow of the sun) the vibration (double distance half frequency) across the planet diameter twice (so octaving) as 081 hertz...the centre of the piramid 081 hertz from the socle at 16.2 meters below water and concrete as 2 x 8.1 meters ie 081 is 8.1 meters where the Planets resonates from the Sun at 0.00081 hertz, so captured by the socle – the triangular roof next to the Chamber (for all priests to bath in sound) exactly on the surface of the 97.2 meters Orb; – the Arc of the Covenant is where frequency equals the standing wave 131 hz at 131 cm for wavelength 262 cm.

Both Bees and Man can bath in 081 hertz for good health – simultaneously through the planet – levitation at the top of Castle-Mound Edmondsham.


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