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Some see biophotons (there is no such thing as a photon nor electron – these are contrived units of measurement) emanating from DNA of helical E-M fields. 0137 and 0127, the latter the 3^3 = 27 grid, are within DNA for humans 37 + 27 = 64 chromosomes. It seems physics is at a crossroads – either Einstein’s Relativity is JUST a special case seldom achieved in nature, certainly not proving the Universe’s true ebb and flow (pressure and density as above) where the same Aether and the same constant speed of Light is the same for all Observers; OR us Observers see different speeds of Light within the Aether the properties of which different for Observers – the very Aether dependent on whose looking! It would appear too confined to have the same Aether and the same speed of Light for the same Observers – dowsing is a very different experience for each Observer but does achieve the same results.





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